Frequently asked questions
Private customers

General information

What is the principle of surety insurance?

The tenant normally pays the rental deposit requested by the landlord into a blocked account at a Swiss bank. This money remains blocked until the rental property is terminated and is untouchable for both the tenant and the landlord. With deposit insurance, on the other hand, there is no need to pay the Rental deposit, because in return for paying an annual premium, your landlord receives a deposit certificate that secures the required rental deposit. As with the traditional Rent deposit the consent of the tenant and landlord is required for the release of the deposit insurance.

Costs, application and contract

How is the goCaution premium calculated?

The annual premium is 4.5% of the guarantee amount (maximum three months' rent, or CHF 16,000), with a minimum annual premium of CHF 94.50 being charged. You will not be charged any further fees (closing, administration or collection costs).


How do I cancel the deposit insurance?

As a tenant, you do not have to do anything to cancel the security deposit insurance as it can only be canceled by the landlord. The classic letter of termination, as is usual with other insurance products, is not required. Once you have duly handed over the apartment to the landlord, the landlord must instruct us to cancel the deposit insurance. The landlord does this by either returning the original deposit certificate to us or releasing us from our obligation in writing (by email or post).

Data protection and credit check

What happens to my data?

Your data will only be recorded to the extent that it is required to determine the premium amount, to check creditworthiness and to process claims. goCaution and its risk carriers may pass the data on to third parties if this is necessary to process the contract. When viewing and processing your data, we undertake to take all precautions to comply with the relevant statutory data protection regulations. All data provided will be treated confidentially and transmitted in encrypted form using an SSL certificate. Personal data is generally stored in electronic and/or paper form.

In connection with the credit check, goCaution and its risk carriers may obtain information from authorities and other information services.

A warm welcome!