More money for your ideas
Invest in your business!
Mietkautionsversicherung für Gewerbe und Firmen
Rental Guarantee Reviews
Liquidity generation made easy

Rent deposit insurance for commercial customers

Your money in a security deposit account does not generate anywhere near the return that a sensible investment in your own business model can bring. Decide for yourself where and how your money works for you instead of tying it up for a long time. goCaution is a secure and affordable alternative to conventional cash bail and protects your liquidity.

More financial freedom for you: make renting easier with our service - convenient, safe and fast.

Create space for your business

Are you planning a move to new business premises or are you considering how you can use the funds tied up in your rental deposit more efficiently? Whether you are a tenant of office, store, practice, production or storage space - with commercial rental deposit insurance, you will gain more financial leeway in no time at all.

How to save on a commercial rental deposit

Paying a deposit was yesterday

In the commercial sector, the amount of the rental deposit is not fixed by law, which can put a considerable strain on a company's liquidity. With the security deposit guarantee from goCaution, you no longer have to deposit large amounts with the landlord. Instead, you keep the money you would normally have to pay for the rental deposit. Your company benefits from the additional financial freedom and can concentrate on further development.

  • Can be used as short-term interim financing
  • Also possible for existing tenancies
  • Contributions are tax-deductible
Commercial rental deposit
Simple procedure

Conclusion of the commercial rental deposit within minutes

Our tried-and-tested rental deposit solution makes it possible not to deposit the deposit in a normal rental deposit account. This prevents money from being blocked in a bank account for a long time. Applying for goCaution rental guarantee insurance is simple and requires little effort.

Gewerbe Mietkaution Antrag

Register online

Register online and provide details about your company.

Gewerbemietkaution Antragsprüfung

Examination of the application

After your registration, your request will be checked and you will receive an individual offer.

Gewerbliche Mietkaution Zahlung

Premium payment

The first annual premium must be paid to activate the rental deposit policy.

Mietkautionszertifikat Geschäftsräume

Rent deposit certificate

After your payment has been received, your landlord will receive the deposit certificate directly from us.

Many good reasons for goCaution

Rent deposit-free at low cost and benefit

Rent deposit-free at low cost and benefit

With goCaution, you rent without having to pay and block a rental deposit. This leaves your working capital free for the development of your business or to bridge short-term liquidity bottlenecks.

No minimum term and flexible termination

No minimum term and flexible termination

The rental deposit guarantee is characterized by its flexibility and can be terminated without observing notice periods. All you have to do is provide your landlord with replacement security.

Also for existing rental agreements

Also for existing rental agreements

With goCaution, you can once again dispose of the capital already blocked in the rental deposit. The process only takes a few days and is handled by our customer service team.

A warm welcome!